Socket programming using the select system call | SoftPrayog

FD_SET(socket, fd) - add a socket to the list fd. FD_CLR(socket, fd) - delete a socket from the list fd. FD_ISSET(socket, fd) - determine if socket is in the list fd. FD_ZERO(fd) - empty the list fd. FD_SETSIZE (255), which is defined in socket.h, is the maximum number of sockets which can be in a socket list. Jul 14, 2020 · FD_ZERO initializes a file descriptor set, clearing all the descriptors in it. FD_SET sets a descriptor in the set, while FD_CLR clears a file descriptor. FD_ISSET is for checking whether a descriptor is set in the file descriptor set. select system call has a limitation that it can only monitor number of file descriptors less than FD_SETSIZE def get_high_socket_fd(self): if WIN32: # The child process will not have any socket handles, so # calling socket.fromfd() should produce WSAENOTSOCK even # if there is a handle of the same number. After the socket() returns the socket descriptor, we start communicate through it using the specialized send()/recv() socket API calls. A TCP socket is an endpoint instance A TCP socket is not a connection , it is the endpoint of a specific connection.

Jul 14, 2020 · FD_ZERO initializes a file descriptor set, clearing all the descriptors in it. FD_SET sets a descriptor in the set, while FD_CLR clears a file descriptor. FD_ISSET is for checking whether a descriptor is set in the file descriptor set. select system call has a limitation that it can only monitor number of file descriptors less than FD_SETSIZE

TCP Client Server Example Description TCP Client Server sample example, that waits for any clients to connect. TCP Socket sample program that creates a sockets binds it to SENDER_PORT_NUM and tries to connect to Server waiting at SERVER_IP_ADDRESS and at port SERVER_PORT_NUM.

The select() and TCP server Linux socket and network

Pointer to an fd_set structure containing the set of socket descriptors. The __WSAFDIsSet function determines whether the socket specified in the fd parameter is a member of that set. Return value. None. Remarks. Windows Phone 8: This function is supported for Windows Phone Store apps on Windows Phone 8 and later. 17.2. socket — Low-level networking interface — Python 2.7 socket.fromfd (fd, family, type [, proto]) ¶ Duplicate the file descriptor fd (an integer as returned by a file object’s fileno() method) and build a socket object from the result. Address family, socket type and protocol number are as for the socket() function above. The file descriptor should refer to a socket, but this is not checked